
BRIDGING THE GAP – Project Results 1 >> Newsletter 2 / December 2022

Full PDF link. The deliverables of Project Results (1) were: 1.1 A document analysing the problem area of bridging the job and educational markets, especially in relevance with the issues that face underprivileged young people. It identified a solution area including use cases, technologies to be utilised and standards to be exploited and even enhanced. […]
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PCI 2022 Publication | 6th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics

Our proposal presented at 26th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics with International Participation, 25-27/11/22, Athens, Greece. Analyzing the problem area of bridging job & educational markets, especially in relevance with the issues that face underprivileged young people.   See the Publication here See the Conference Program here
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