The project comprises by five deliverable modules.
The first one (O1) focuses on abridging the problem area and identify the semantic and artificial intelligence gaps in the job and educational markets, providing a solution area where we will research for the resolution to the problem identified, investigating and testing available open-source technologies suitable for the solution area (e.g. standards, semantic tools, agent technology etc.), and producing initial illustrative demos & prototypes of the solution area. In O1, the participating organisations will start working altogether in a quest to limit the problem area of bridging the gap in the job and educational markets, under the leadership of the International Hellenic University.
The second one (O2) will focus on stakeholders, use cases serving them and building simple user interfaces through prototypes. These prototypes will serve as proof of concept that CVs, job descriptions and courses can be annotated with semantics from standard specifications like IMS-RDCEO, ESCO etc. Moreover, it aims towards addressing technical issues. In this delieverable’s context, the back-end of the solution is developed, i.e. the intelligent machine that matches CVs and job, CVs and courses, Jobs and courses. The rules behind it are coded into this machine. Towards this direction, we aim to provide to the public a glass box interface explaining the way the match occurred. In latter stages, we shall focus our attention on improving the search and match engine. Moreover, an intelligent software component shall be incorporated to the system in order to better guide and support at EU level the validation of non-formal and informal learning should be further pursued especially with regards to the validation of learning acquired through digital resources. Three tool prototypes will be produced, serving the purpose of CV, Job Vacancy and UoL (semi)automatic annotation.
The third deliverable module (O3) revolves around the design and implementation of agent technology. Intelligent Agents (IΑs) will be designed and developed as-a-service in relevance to the rest project tools. For this purpose, partners shall collaborate closely and work in parallel in order to develop the two core objectives of the project, and, namely, the skill-matching and the skill building (supported by agent technology). Appropriate knowledge bases and proxy web services shall be developed. The use of a microservice architecture will be studied. At this stage, ultimately, findings of the fist outcome (O1) regarding less privileged youth categories will be taken into account in order to implement the appropriate agent types. In this context, both public transaction protocols as well as private strategies for each type will be implemented.
The objective of the fourth deliverable module (O4) is the creation of a web platform host all the tools, services and related audiovisual material produced during the O1, O2, O3 and O5. The platform will be used for dissemination purposes, but will also provide to all the relevant stakeholders to use the tools and/ or integrate them into their systems.
The final deliverable module (O5) involves the organisation of four (4) online workshops, in which at least 500 job seekers participate. The primary objectives of the workshops are to bridging the gap among job seekers – either students or not – and job offering companies. Moreover, all stakeholders through the workshops will improve their understanding of skills needs and trends in the job market. The job seekers will be approached through internet. The selection of participants will be done in order of priority; while there will be no exclusion criteria. All participants in the consortium will share information about the workshops through its official website. Furthermore, HR representatives from companies shall be present on these workshops in order to share their experiences, thoughts, personal requirements from a candidate for a job position and information the audiences about the current labour market trends.